hdxxxadult.com Terms of Use

Effective Date: 03/29/2019
Last Modified Date: 03/29/2019

These Terms of Use govern your access to and use of hdxxxadult.com (the “Site”) whether you are a guest or a member of the Site. They additionally constitute your license to view the Content (the “Content”) on the Site and constitute a valid and binding contract between Mountainetworks, Inc./ csxpay.com (the “Company”) and you. You are required to review these Terms of Use carefully prior to accessing, using, or joining the Site.

If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms of Use (or by an alternate terms of use approved by you and the Company, as described below), you are not permitted to access, view, or join the Site. After reviewing these Terms of Use, if you have any questions, please email us at payment@csxpay.com or consult an attorney before proceeding to access, use, or join the Site. For the purposes of these Terms of Use, the Company and you may be collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and the Company and you may be individually referred to as a “Party”.

  1. Binding Agreement. These Terms of Use are a binding contract between the Company and you that governs your use of the Site and the Company’s operation and maintenance of the Site.
  2. Amendments and Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time.
  3. The Content on the Site. This Site contains audiovisual and visual adult entertainment. By accessing, using, or joining the Site as a member, you acknowledge that you are aware of the Content on the Site, are not offended by the Content on the Site, and are accessing the Site voluntarily and because you wish to view audiovisual and visual adult Content. You additionally acknowledge that pornography is not unlawful in the jurisdiction where you reside and that the Content on the Site is expressive and fully protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
  4. No Underage Use. The Site is not intended for use by children or by anyone that has not reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction where they reside. You are not permitted to use the Site if you have not reached the age of majority in your jurisdiction. You alone are solely responsible for ensuring that you have reached the age of majority in your jurisdiction and acknowledge that the Company bears no responsibility for ensuring that you have reached the age of majority.
  5. Access to the Site. When you access the Site, whether as a guest or as a member, you certify that:
    1. You will only use the Site for non-commercial purposes.
    2. You will not copy or distribute any portion of the Site or any Content on the Site for any commercial purpose.
    3. You will not alter, delete, or change these Terms of Use, unless such alteration, deletion, or change has been explicitly approved, in writing, by the Company in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2.c of these Terms of Use.
  6. Intellectual Property. This Site contains the Company’s intellectual property or intellectual property that the Company has a license to display.
  7. Third Party Links. The Site may contain links to websites controlled by third parties, including in advertisements and sponsored links. These links are for your convenience only. Neither the Site nor the Company has any control over the Content contained in those links or the terms of service or privacy policies in place by the owners of the linked websites. The Company is not responsible for them or for any loss or damage arising from your use of them. The presence of links on the Site does not imply any approval or endorsement of the linked sites by the Company. Any website you visit based upon links from the Site is done at your own risk, and you agree to release us from any liability arising from your visits to websites linked on the Site.
  8. Prohibitions. You agree not to access the Site to do any of the following:
  9. Membership and Site Access. To access some areas of the Site and to submit Submissions to the Site, you will be asked to register as a member. The requirements for membership are as follows.
  10. Dispute Resolution.
  11. Limitation of Liability
  12. Miscellaneous.